WOW! Women Of Worship! It was such a blessed time last night. I wish I had taken my camera just so I could post a picture of black and white sisters (and a few men) joining in Christian unity to worship the Lord Almighty. While this may not be such an amazing event in big cities or other parts of the nation, it is certainly a wonderful sight to see in the rural areas of the northeastern section of North Carolina. This area has, for the most part, has segregated churches. Even though we work together and play sports together and our children go to school together...we don't worship the Lord together. I don't think it is that we have made a conscious effort to do that but that we don't purpose to do otherwise. That is until now.
We have this group of women who have had enough of status-quo and want to unite in prayer for the Roanoke Valley. Our children need to see us as a community that truly cares about each other. One young woman began her prayer with "Lord forgive us white people for how we have treated your black children." It was as if the shackles were removed from both black and white and we didn't have to dance around the issue anymore. We have prayed for reconciliation but this was the first time we had a blonde hair, blue eyes, very white woman seek forgiveness for our race. It was one of those moments that you knew God was shouting AMEN from heaven.
Our desire is now to show our community that we as Christians love one another by engaging in some form of community outreach as a group. What that is we still don't know but surely God will reveal it to us. Pastor Burrell has a desire to bring about change and so does my pastor and others in the area. Our prayer is that through God's leading they will lead us as we take the necessary steps to be the Bride. Yes, last night the Bride was mighty pretty! And as bridal attendants we need to prepare ourselves and others for the return of Jesus!
We got a glimpse of what heaven will be like. All God's children praising Him.
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world,
They are yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world!
May we be like children and dance and sing freely to our King!
Where are the blog posts?
12 years ago